意大利进口艺术涂料Metropolis®|大都会_意大利时尚生活方式涂料品牌. 隶属于意大利IVAS SpA意梵思®集团的国际化艺术装饰涂料部门,传承意大利设计的精髓,创新制造用于墙壁、天花板和地面一体化空间装饰的艺术涂料,微水泥地坪 & 艺术树脂地坪系统。
How about a Nordic and minimal touch worthy of the famous Finnish capital on the floor and walls? With #Helsinki it is possible!
It is a polyurethane resin-based system, perfect for giving the interiors the timeless charm of Scandinavian countries.
Helsinki have the entire spectrum of blue tones, revolutionizes the space and creates the best stylistic-architectural fantasy for the environment.
在你的地板和墙壁上来点北欧和极简的触感如何? 有了“赫尔辛基”色彩主题系列, 这是有可能的!
冰冷的阴影加入蓝色的亮度, “赫尔辛基”主题色彩艺术树脂地坪系统,将芬兰首都的北欧氛围直接带到你家
这是一个由水性聚氨酯艺术树脂制成的涂料系统, 完美地给室内装饰斯堪的纳维亚国家永恒的魅力。
The splendour of the sultans, the heat of the stone, the intricate streets of the medina: with #Metroresin /Marrakech the colors of the desert will give warmth to your walls.
The splendor of ancient times runs through the centuries with #Marrakech.
Manchester evokes the memories of the First Industrial Revolution. Covering for walls and floors in water-based polyurethane resin。
“曼彻斯特”唤起了人们对第一次工业革命的回忆。 METRORESIN/Manchester曼彻斯特都市主题创意色彩&水性聚氨酯树脂的墙壁和地坪系统让古典与现代激情碰撞。曼彻斯特释放了工业的力量,重现了第一次工业革命的尖叫声。
#Metroresin/Manchester is the ideal resin to give your home the modern atmosphere of the metropolitan city.
Who is looking for warm and sunny atmospheres?
With #Metroresin/Miami, the soft and warm colors of Florida come directly to your home to make the walls unique.
通过#Metroresin/Miami “迈阿密”色彩主题创意效果,佛罗里达柔和温暖的色彩直接来到你的家,让墙壁变得独特。
#Miami turns your space into a place where everything is allowed. Let yourself be captivated.